Sunday, August 16, 2009

File Sharing

Guys, am having problem with sharing the files...
The yahoo group is quite a slow here... take long to upload one doc...

any suggestion?

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Help Needed

Hey guys...
Remeber the System model?
Input -> Process -> Output?

do you know anything about err... Feedback and also Control? these two are said to be in the System Model..

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Hey guys, there will be no tutorial class for Formal Method this week, the lecturer is still somewhere, coming next week...

I though formal method is another Ethics, in fact it's not... It's for Software Engineers in doing their task.. it's all about formalization and standardization I think...

Today class is replaced by Hani.. He brief us in this subject and how should we study this subject..
He sugested us to study in group and it's a difficult subject anyway :D

BSEM Sem 6 Schedule

Sometimes, it's really hard to just walk to the notice board area and look at the schedule..
Thanks Jansen for taking the picture of it... so we can see it online now


Arggh... First week always boring.. so do the rest of the weeks...

Jason is not going to teach us this sem.. wondering who is going to replace him..
Concept of modeling might be another 3D modeling class for me... nothing much would I expect..

about Data Structure and Algorithm, have few questions about it:
1. Talking about Data, is it more to how are we storing it? or more to how we are going to display it?
2. Confused with the Pointer thinggy in C++, I was pretty sure that it's equal to Instances in OO programming.. It doesn't seems the same now haha

Monday, August 10, 2009

Data Structure and Algorithm

First class today... errr
what I think is, it's interesting..
It's all about optimizing the code, choosing the right algorithm to apply, and also some standard algorithms that are applicable for doing daily programming functions.

Hopes it is good until the end.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Monday, August 3, 2009

BSEM semester 6 Timetable

Data Structure -- 3pm - 5pm

Concept of modeline -- 11am - 1.30pm
Data Structure -- 3pm - 5pm

Formal Method -- 11am - 12.30pm


Major Project 9am - 11am
Formal Method 11am - 12.30pm