Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Exam Tips

Semester is ending dudes.... and we are graduating!!... Let's get out from it.. :D

Formal Method
1. Define Safety and Liveness
2. Talk about major differences in Branching Time and Linear Time
Give suggestion on which one is better. Justify!!
3. How to prove correctness
4. What is the effectiveness of an algorithm
5. what is model checking and the advantages of doing it
6. Explain transformational and reactive system
7. Relate neutral exclusion protocol to an Algorithm

Concept of Modeling
1. Extrusion / sweeping / revolving
Expression : Union, differentiation, intersection
2. DDA Algorithm <- derive the algorithm and solve the question ex: (1,0) to (4,9).
3. Calculate Light Intensity from a given light source and object.
(didn't have much detail it, please comment if you do have the detail thanks :))
4. explain 4 technique to improve / perform better real time rendering
5. 5 attributes of Particle in particle system
6. types of light
7. steps to generate particle system (the algorithm)
8 Super Sampling Algorithm (Anti aliasing)
9. Odd and Even algorithm (applying color on pixel)
10. Convex and concave objects

Data Structure
- types of data structure
- Multidimensional Array
- STL (Standard Template Library)
- Vector
- Stack - basic operations, insertion and deletion.
- queue - basic operations
- Sorting algorithm
- BST (Binary Search Tree)
2-3 tree
2-3-4 tree
- Heap definitions and Heapify
- Graph BES and DES (not sure about this)
- Spanning tree (cutting, building, shortest path)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Formal Methods Mid Term Tips

-Transformational System Logic & Reactive System Logic (Define & Explain)

-Soundness and Completeness (Def. Actual Soundness)

-Logical Connectives (write in order of precedence) (not, and, or, logically implies, equivalence)

-Logical Connectives meaning

-Atomic sentences: predict the logic, create the sentence

-What is formal methods used for?


Sunday, August 16, 2009

File Sharing

Guys, am having problem with sharing the files...
The yahoo group is quite a slow here... take long to upload one doc...

any suggestion?

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Help Needed

Hey guys...
Remeber the System model?
Input -> Process -> Output?

do you know anything about err... Feedback and also Control? these two are said to be in the System Model..

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Hey guys, there will be no tutorial class for Formal Method this week, the lecturer is still somewhere, coming next week...

I though formal method is another Ethics, in fact it's not... It's for Software Engineers in doing their task.. it's all about formalization and standardization I think...

Today class is replaced by Hani.. He brief us in this subject and how should we study this subject..
He sugested us to study in group and it's a difficult subject anyway :D

BSEM Sem 6 Schedule

Sometimes, it's really hard to just walk to the notice board area and look at the schedule..
Thanks Jansen for taking the picture of it... so we can see it online now


Arggh... First week always boring.. so do the rest of the weeks...

Jason is not going to teach us this sem.. wondering who is going to replace him..
Concept of modeling might be another 3D modeling class for me... nothing much would I expect..

about Data Structure and Algorithm, have few questions about it:
1. Talking about Data, is it more to how are we storing it? or more to how we are going to display it?
2. Confused with the Pointer thinggy in C++, I was pretty sure that it's equal to Instances in OO programming.. It doesn't seems the same now haha

Monday, August 10, 2009

Data Structure and Algorithm

First class today... errr
what I think is, it's interesting..
It's all about optimizing the code, choosing the right algorithm to apply, and also some standard algorithms that are applicable for doing daily programming functions.

Hopes it is good until the end.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Monday, August 3, 2009

BSEM semester 6 Timetable

Data Structure -- 3pm - 5pm

Concept of modeline -- 11am - 1.30pm
Data Structure -- 3pm - 5pm

Formal Method -- 11am - 12.30pm


Major Project 9am - 11am
Formal Method 11am - 12.30pm

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Part Time jobs and Internships

Internship and Part time jobs available

BSIS in NeoCyber
Those who are interested, find Mr. Tee Wee Jing as well
There will be an Interview on Monday June 22, 2009
Jobs including Web Programmer, Graphic designer, Analyst etc

Free Classes

* class start on Monday, June 29, 2009

PHP, ASP .Net and J2ME

those who are interested in taking these free classes, for Limkokwing's students only, please find Mr. Tee Wee Jing

each class are held once a week, for 4 hours,
2 hours in the morning : 10am - 12pm
2 hours in the afternoon : 3pm - 5pm

PHP : Monday
ASP.Net : Tuesday
J2ME: Wednesday
Mr. Hani will be teaching all of these.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Exam Over

Hey, Bsemers sem 5, most of us are finished with the exams.
Don't know what to say, but I'm happy that it's done...

for those still have exams, and are willing to share their tips to their friends, please post it as comment, or contact one of us:

Happy :D

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Tips Answers for CA

I know its late!! Tried to answer as best i can.
Didnt answer 2c and only give the formula for 5
If u see any mistakes, plz inform me.

1. RGB-

Magenta = (1,0,1)



Magenta = (RGB white)-(RGB magenta) = (1,1,1) – (1,0,1) = (0,1,0)


a. Vector A->C = C-A= (4,1,2) – (3,3,2) = (1,-2,0)

Vector A->B = B-A= (2,2,1) – (3,3,2) = (-1,-1,-1)

Vector B->C = C-B= (4,1,2) – (2,2,1) = (2,-1,1)

b. Dot product A->B . B->C = (-1,-1,-1) . (2,-1,1) = (1st * 1st)+ (2nd *2nd)+(3rd * 3rd)


3. First Object

glBegin (GL_LINE_LOOP);

glvertex2i (200,60);

glvertex2i (240,150);

glvertex2i (280,60);

glvertex2i (190,120);

glvertex2i (290,120);


Second Object

glBegin (GL_LINE_STRIP);

glvertex2i (200,60);

glvertex2i (280,60);

glvertex2i (240,150);


glBegin (GL_LINE_STRIP);

glvertex2i (290,120);

glvertex2i (190,120);

glvertex2i (240,30);


4. Transform Rotate Scale

|1 0 tx| |cos& -sin& 0 | |sx 0 0 |

|0 1 ty| | sin& cos& 0 | |0 sy 0 |

|0 0 1 | | 0 0 1 | |0 0 1 |

The matrixes must be written from right to left. Instead of [S] [R] [T], the order of the question.

We have [T][R][S] (Remember This!!)

Transform Rotate Scale

|1 0 2 | | 0 -1 0 | |3 0 0 |

|0 1 2 | | 1 0 0 | |0 4 0 |

|0 0 1 | | 0 0 1 | |0 0 1 |

Then add them one by one.


[T] 1st row by [R] 1st column = (1*0)+(0*1)+(2*0)=0

[T] 1st row by [R] 2nd column = (1*-1)+(0*0)+(2*0)=-1

[T] 1st row by [R] 3rd column = (1*0)+(0*0)+(2*1)=2

[T] 2nd row by [R] 1st column = (0*0)+(1*0)+(2*1)=2

[T] 2nd row by [R] 2nd column = (0*-1)+(1*0)+(2*0)=0

[T] 2nd row by [R] 3rd column = (0*0)+(1*0)+(2*1)=2

[T] 3rd row by [R] 1st column = (0*0)+(0*0)+(1*1)=1

[T] 3rd row by [R] 2nd column = (0*-1)+(0*0)+(1*0)=0

[T] 3rd row by [R] 3rd column = (0*0)+(0*0)+(1*1)=1

So[TR] =|0 -1 2|

|2 0 2|

|1 0 2|

Then repeat the steps for [TR] + [S]

5. Xb = mi=0 mCi ui (i-u)m-I X

Yb = mi=0 mCi ui (i-u)m-I Y

m= number of point given -1

C= Combination (We did this B4)

Software Testing Tips

1. Describe the term software testing
2. draw cause effect graph
3. Identify THREE actions involved during form testing
4. Briefly describe end-to-end transaction testing
5. What is a legacy system? define
6. Describe FOUR attributes of quality test case
7. CFG, Cyclomatic complexity value...

Thanks to Andy :D

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Software Project Management Exam Tips


  1. NPV, ROI, payback

  1. WBS, Weighted scoring model
  2. For WBS must at least three levels
  3. Check example of building a house

  1. EVM
  2. Textbook pp 285-291
  3. Tutorial 12 (Chapter7revised) page1 q1

  1. AOA
  2. Tutorial 8 page 2
  3. Text book pp 223-224, 255(q2)
  4. Project time management
  5. Critical path is the longest path

EVM Formulas

  1. EV = PV to date * RP
  2. CV = EV - AC
  3. SV = EV - PV
  4. CPI = EV/AC
  5. SPI = EV/PV
  6. EAC = BAC/CPI

EV - Earned Value

PV - Planned Value

RP - Rate of Performance

CV- Cost Variance

AC- Actual cost

SV- Schedule Variance

CPI- Cost Performance Index

SPI- Schedule Performance Index

EAC- Estimate at Completion

BAC-Budget at Completion

ETC-Estimated Time to Complete

OTE-Original Time Estimate


Important factors in project are cost and time

  • CV represents the cost performance
  • SV represents the time performance
  • If they are positive, they are ahead of schedule/under budget if negative they are behind schedule/ over budget
  • CPI represents the cost performance as an index/performance. It verifies the CV
  • SPI represents the time performance as an index/performance. It verifies the SV
  • Over 100% is good ( they are ahead of schedule/under budget ) 100% is neutral and below 100% is bad (behind schedule/ over budget)
  • If EAC is higher than BAC then the project is performing worse than planned because the new estimate to complete the project is x more than planned.
  • You get OTE from the question, where they mention how long the project was intended to take
  • If ETC is higher than OTE then the project is performing worse than planned because the project is projected to take x months longer than planned.

Exam Tips for CA

1. RGB space, CMYK space (conversion from RGB to CMYK and vice versa)
2. Given 3 points ( 3, 3, 2) , (2,2,1) and (4,1,2) find the vector, dot product, cross product and plane equation.
3. Draw the 2 object below with Open GL code

4. 2D transformation
Compose a 2D transformation matrix with
- scale in x by 3 and in y by 4; (Scale(3,4))
- then rotate trough 90 degree around origin (rotate(90))
- translate trough (2, 2)

5. Bezier Curve
Given V0(0,3), V1(1,5), V2(4,0) and V3(6,2) are the control points. Find the points where the curve will pass through when U = 0.5 using bezier curve technique
6. Find vector list, edge list, normal list and face list from a 3d object.

7. Describe each below:
Pre-production, Production, Post-production
8. Express the following terms : Animatronic, stop motion animation.
9 A triangle below is to be rotated for 30 degree in anti-clock wise order. given the pivot point (black dot) at (2,3) find the composite matrix in 2D space to perform the transactin.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Software Project Management Exam Tips

Exam date: Saturday 13th June 2009

These should be the most important sections to read:


  1. NPV, ROI, payback
  2. WBS, Weighted scoring model
  3. For WBS must at least three levels
  4. Check example of building a house
  5. EVM
  6. Textbook pp 285-291
  7. Tutorial 12 (Chapter7revised) page1 q1
  8. AOA
  9. Tutorial 8 page 2
  10. Text book pp 223-224, 255(q2)
  11. Project time management
  12. Critical path is the longest path

EVM Formulas

  1. EV = PV to date * RP
  2. CV = EV - AC
  3. SV = EV - PV
  4. CPI = EV/AC
  5. SPI = EV/PV
  6. EAC = BAC/CPI

EV - Earned Value

PV - Planned Value

RP - Rate of Performance

CV- Cost Variance

AC- Actual cost

SV- Schedule Variance

CPI- Cost Performance Index

SPI- Schedule Performance Index

EAC- Estimate at Completion

BAC-Budget at Completion

ETC-Estimated Time to Complete

OTE-Original Time Estimate


Important factors in project are cost and time

  • CV represents the cost performance
  • SV represents the time performance
  • If they are positive, they are ahead of schedule/under budget if negative they are behind schedule/ over budget
  • CPI represents the cost performance as an index/performance. It verifies the CV
  • SPI represents the time performance as an index/performance. It verifies the SV
  • Over 100% is good ( they are ahead of schedule/under budget ) 100% is neutral and below 100% is bad (behind schedule/ over budget)
  • If EAC is higher than BAC then the project is performing worse than planned because the new estimate to complete the project is x more than planned.
  • You get OTE from the question, where they mention how long the project was intended to take
  • If ETC is higher than OTE then the project is performing worse than planned because the project is projected to take x months longer than planned.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Some tips on SPM

1. Cauculate the NPV ROI etc.........
2. focus on chapter 5-6-7...
3. Calculate the earned value management (EVM) text book page: 285

This first, any aditional tips will be availabe soon :D

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

KLC Adress

Limkokwing Kuala Lumpur Centre
23, Jalan Sultan Ismail,
50250 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Tel: (+603) 2143 0005
Fax: (+603) 2143 0002

For more informations, and also the map, please use this link 

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

This is a test

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Ethics Tips

Credit goes to Andy Hong :D

According to him, here are the tips:
1. part one is very easy, she don't want to tell anything...
2. Case study on testing a robot. ...

Exam Tips hunting

Hey limkokwingers .... Exam is coming up... Ready to share some tips :D

Monday, May 25, 2009

Final Exam Schedule for Software Engineering

11th June - Ethics - 10am class 13/21 BTech2503
11th June - ChaAnim - 2pm class L1/16 BMULT3609
12th June - Soft Test - 9.30am class L2/33 BTECH3618
13th June - SPM - 10am class L1/14 or 23 BCOMP3508

Friday, May 22, 2009

Microsoft Update Seminaar May 22, 2009

1. about windows 7.. cool stuffs, really. some of it like, you shake one window, and others become minimized.

the RC will be expired on next March.. so the final release will only come after that

2. Windows Live. Lot's of cool stuffs. for me, it's just another google and yahoo, trying to make everything in one. I dunno what are the benefit others than its popularity. Maybe the popularity make it more popular LOL

3. Silverlight 3.. some new stuffs about it, like 3D perspective, support out of the browser etc... Not bad... hehehe...

4. errmm, ohh, the MSDNAA (Microsoft Development Network Academic Association)... For us, LKW students, can get any software for Student License from mr. Tee.. For educational purposes only...

5. Imagine Cup.. Nothing new about this. This year already closed. next year competition will be announced around July... by that, almost of all us graduated LOL
Joke of the Day………………

A new vacuum cleaner salesman knocked on the door on the first house of the street.

A tall lady open the door.
Before she could speak, the enthusiastic salesman barged into the living room and opened a big black plastic bag and poured all the cow droppings onto the carpet.

"Madam, if I could not clean this up with the use of this new powerful Vacuum cleaner in the next 10 mins,

I will EAT all this dung!"
Exclaimed the eager salesman.

"Do you need chilly sauce or ketchup with that" asked the lady.

The bewildered salesman asked, "Why, madam?? "

"There's no electricity in the house..." said the lady.

MORAL: Gather all requirements and resources before working on any project and committing to the client...!!