Saturday, June 6, 2009

Exam Tips for CA

1. RGB space, CMYK space (conversion from RGB to CMYK and vice versa)
2. Given 3 points ( 3, 3, 2) , (2,2,1) and (4,1,2) find the vector, dot product, cross product and plane equation.
3. Draw the 2 object below with Open GL code

4. 2D transformation
Compose a 2D transformation matrix with
- scale in x by 3 and in y by 4; (Scale(3,4))
- then rotate trough 90 degree around origin (rotate(90))
- translate trough (2, 2)

5. Bezier Curve
Given V0(0,3), V1(1,5), V2(4,0) and V3(6,2) are the control points. Find the points where the curve will pass through when U = 0.5 using bezier curve technique
6. Find vector list, edge list, normal list and face list from a 3d object.

7. Describe each below:
Pre-production, Production, Post-production
8. Express the following terms : Animatronic, stop motion animation.
9 A triangle below is to be rotated for 30 degree in anti-clock wise order. given the pivot point (black dot) at (2,3) find the composite matrix in 2D space to perform the transactin.

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